A standard 50-minute individual session is $170.00, couples and family $200.00 payable by cash, check or charge**.
E.M.D.R. sessions are $200 per hour (No insurance coverage)
An adjusted fee (if requested) based on proof of net monthly income.
I accept most insurance plans including Medicare/Med-Cal****, however; if you have a PPO insurance plan and your plan allows "Out of Network Providers" I can provide you with a statement to submit to your insurance upon payment of the full-fee upfront. My services are also covered if you have a Flex Spending Account through your employer.
I offer phone consultations up to 50 minutes at the aforementioned rates if needed between sessions. In any emergencies, please call 9-1-1.
*Fees are subject to change with an advanced 30-day notice and are re-evaluated annually.
**Visa, MasterCard, American Express & Discover with a 4% convenience fee.
***Medi-Cal through Carelon/L.A. Care, Anthem Blue Cross, Healthnet and Blue Shield Promise.
A standard 50-minute individual session is $170.00, couples and family $200.00 payable by cash, check or charge**.
E.M.D.R. sessions are $200 per hour (No insurance coverage)
An adjusted fee (if requested) based on proof of net monthly income.
I accept most insurance plans including Medi-Cal***, however; if you have a PPO insurance plan and your plan allows "Out of Network Providers" I can provide you with a statement to submit to your insurance upon payment of the full-fee upfront. My services are also covered if you have a Flex Spending Account through your employer.
I offer phone consultations up to 50 minutes at the aforementioned rates if needed between sessions. In any emergencies, please call 9-1-1.
*Fees are subject to change with an advanced 30-day notice and are re-evaluated annually.
**Visa, MasterCard, American Express & Discover with a 4% convenience fee.
***Medi-Cal through Beacon/L.A.Care, Anthem Blue Cross, MHN and Blue Shield Promise.